Eileen Donovan was born in New York City and moved to New Mexico to attend college. She majored in archaeology of the southwest. She returned to New York in the 1980’s and currently resides in Queensbury, NY.

From a very early age, Eileen could be seen with a camera in her hands. Eileen’s first experience with fiber started when she was around 5 and began making clothing for her dolls and grew into making her own clothing. She later created decorative pieces for her home. Later still quilts.

Throughout her travels she had her camera. The camera allowed her to create her art - since she did not believe she could paint or draw.

Eileen’s love of black and white imagery grew. She believed that taking color out allowed one to truly focus on the image.

When the ability of using photographs put to fabric became available, a new world opened for Eileen. She could now take her images into Photoshop to edit and print them on fabric to begin creating her art.

Eileen also began to play with paint on fabric. Her first experience with dye was a 5 day workshop with Elin Noble at Quilting By the Lake.

She continued taking workshops to study paints and dyes.  Eileen completed The Art Cloth Mastery Program studying surface design on fabric under Jane Dunnewold. Her focus continues to be using black and white in her imagery.

Eileen tries to convey the sentiments and feelings that nature and humanity evoke in her through her photographs and fiber art. She has incorporated the use of photographs, dyes and paints to create these images.